Our mission is to advance economic and social justice through




We work with low-income New Mexicans to improve living conditions, increase opportunities, and protect the rights of people living in poverty.

We envision a New Mexico that is vibrant with opportunities, and where all people’s human rights—including for food, housing, healthcare, a living wage, education, and equal access to justice—are met.

We recognize that economic injustices and poverty are rooted in historical, racial, and structural inequity. Our focus is always on achieving long-term, system wide changes in laws, programs, and policies that promote justice and fairness, and respect the dignity of all people.


For over 25 years, the New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty has taken action with our communities to achieve bold, system-wide change that promotes the well-being of our state’s children, families, workers, and communities. We work on key priorities like the public education system, food justice, income assistance, affordable healthcare, worker’s rights, housing rights, and the fight against predatory lending.

We advance change in the courts, the legislature, and our public institutions through a multi-pronged approach:


to engage with people and organizations to identify priorities and partner in developing solutions on the issues most important to them. We also convene and build coalitions with networks of community members, organizers, advocates, direct service providers, private attorneys, and other stakeholders to build campaigns together.

Policy Advocacy

to pursue changes to laws and policies that are equitable and responsive to our communities. We provide research and analysis of complex laws and regulations, provide information and expertise for policymakers and state officials, and partner with our communities to engage in legislative and administrative advocacy.

Outreach & Education

including Know Your Rights trainings, videos and materials. Our communications and media strategies amplify the experiences of people and build broader awareness about key issues that impact New Mexicans.

Legal representation

in the courts and administrative hearings. We conduct impact litigation to address systemwide injustices, enforce rights and hold our public institutions accountable to following the law.
